Monday, May 25, 2020

Stress is Inevitable- How to Work Around It

Stress is Inevitable- How to Work Around It In todays fast-moving world, our lifestyle has become so chaotic that to suggest people to not be stressed makes no sense.   Stress in inevitable.   The smart way of living a healthy life while in stress is to work your way around the stress and grow through it. Purposely Engage in Stress: The worst thing humans do is to try to avoid stress. Yes, if you live a life of a saint in the mountains, you may avoid stress but in reality, you just cannot. Every day you will face situations which will stress you. Most people just tune their minds that they will not be stressed with whatever the outcome is but then when they find themselves in unpleasant situations, they automatically are under stress. Let us approach the same situation differently, flip the situation and purposely engage in stress. Make up your mind that you will be facing a stressful situation. So when you really are in a stressful situation, you will not be stressed as much as you thought because you were already prepared for it. Acknowledge the Cause of Stress: Since we know that stress in inevitable, maintain a journal of the stress stimulants to identify the specific activities which repeatedly causes stress. Avoid stimulants such as sugar, caffeine, and nicotine to reduce the stress hormone cortisol. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet and sleep well. Introduce some physical activity three times a week to steam off the stress. Share Your Experience with Trusted Confidants: Sharing your daily experiences with a confidant will help you manage the stress better. Bottling up stress will not really help you as keeping things inside you is a sure way of exploding emotionally someday. Instead, sharing your stress will help you deal with it in a better way and you will find it easier to move on. Practice Self-Love: Yes, stress cannot be avoided, so instead of running away from it, why not spend time on imparting self-love? Sit peacefully, meditate, follow your hobby or do whatever makes you feel good about yourself. Taking out time for yourself cannot eliminate stress but it will definitely help in refreshing your mind which will help you deal with stress in a better way. Focus on Your Goal, Not the Stress it is Causing: Stress is caused when you engage in a certain activity. Instead of blaming the situation for your stress why not focus on the reason why you are doing the activity in the first place? Most stress is related to either work or relationships. When you are stressed at work, it is because you are working hard to achieve a position in your career so instead of focusing on the current situation, think of the outcome you are expecting, your stress will automatically seem like nothing. Stress due to relationships may need to be handled differently as breakups may cause breakdowns and a professional can help you get past the hurt. As the experts from Suboxone Treatment Clinic   have pointed out,   people who face emotional stress have the highest tendency to abuse substances hence they should be treated for their symptoms without any delay. Stress in Inevitable Learn to Live With It Do not make and attempt to avoid stress as that is never going to happen. Stress and happiness are not mutually exclusive. By making these small changes in the way you think, you will learn to work your way around everyday stress and still lead a fulfilling life.

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